I, Robot movie

I saw this with my youngest last week Tuesday. It was entertaining. It was fun. It didn't go heavy handed with the Asimov's laws -- which was probably a good thing, as I don't think that part of the fiction would translate well to the movie. Will Smith wasn't too bad in the movie either -- he was his usual self to some degree, but quite tempered -- his one-liner smart-ass comments were kept to a minimum -- which was refreshing -- maybe a bit of respect was being paid to Asimov? The star of the movie however was the special effects. Sonny was quite well done, as the robot who can and does break the laws. Unlike Asimov's stories, the movie will not leave you much with which to ponder in the end. It's typical Hollywood feeding pablum to the masses -- but if that's all you expect, then you'll be entertained. Don't go expecting the stories you read -- if you want that, pick up the book -- these days the collected stories sport a Will Smith/Spooner cover.


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