Induce Act [PDF]

Stupid laws should be challenged. In this case, it's a stupid act that two media-whore US senators, Orrin Hatch (got $159,860 campaign donations from TV, movie and music industries) and Patrick Leahy (got $220,450 campaign donations from TV, movie and music industries), are sponsoring. They would like to give the media industry the ability to now sue the technology companies that 'induce' people to pirate -- kinda like suing the gun manufacturers for 'inducing' people to use their guns to commit murder -- or like suing the media companies for 'inducing' people to go out and commit crimes. I think Hatch & Leahy should be sued for 'inducing' stupidity in the American population. Now a group of technology companies have banded together to protect themselves -- first response -- use P2P technologies to freely distribute the senate hearings on the Induce Act. Read more here.


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