The European Dream

The Sept. 13th issue of BusinessWeek magazine has a short review of the European Dream, by Jeremy Rifkin. The book compares the aspirations of the American Dream with the ideals of Europe, concluding that the American Dream is being left behind by the success of Europe's. The American Dream espouses the ability of the individual to pursue success, and places the government's role in protecting personal property and the country. Americans also believe in assimilating immigrants. Europeans on the other hand, tend to favour social wealth, believe governments should protect communal resources, and favour dialogue over a strong military. They also believe in ethnic diversity. Quite interesting if you would like another option to the American Dream. Canada I believe, sits somewhere in the middle between Europe and America -- although lately, we've been moving away from the American model.


  1. My family and myself were all born in America. But, we have very strong French genes and do not fit in with the mainstream American lifestyle. Americans have tried to assimilate us from day one. Because we won't assimilate like some other Europeans, we are financially unable to emmigrate like we want to. Does anyone have any suggestions that they would like to post here?

  2. Move to Quebec -- or St. Pierre & Miquelon. Speaking French would be an asset. If you don't fit in with mainstream America, but can only move in America, move to the west or east coasts -- they're more liberal I believe. Last ditch effort, move to Canada.


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