Kentucky Fried Cruelty

Kentucky Fried Cruelty is a PETA site. It's a site dedicated to stopping KFC from abusing chickens -- not stopping them from making their finger licking good chicken, but stopping them from abusing the chickens in the process of getting to our plates. On this point, I do agree with them -- I don't want lick my fingers after biting into the meat of bird that had been stomped on, kicked around or had weird things done to them by buck-toothed-inbred-hillbillies. That's not appetizing. I want to know my meat has received the care as if it was in the kitchen being prepared for me. The scary thing in this isn't the fact that we breed animals for the slaughter so we can feed off their life -- the scary thing is the buck-toothed-inbred-hillbillies who get off on messing with our meat before it reaches our plate. That fact is revolting, and is enough to make one want to hurl. [Thanks for the sick link Darren!]


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