Fit for a Queen [PDF]

Baseline Magazine also has an article on the IT infrastructure of the Queen Mary 2 -- the world's largest luxury ship. The ship has three computer rooms, with major systems duplicated in two of the rooms. Its fibre cables are laid in such a way that every major component is backed up. Every room of the ship is capable of allowing passengers to jack in. The ship provides internet access and has an onboard learning centre. There are 40 WiFi access points around the ship to allow passengers network access while idling outside of their room, and to support wireless POS devices. The ships manifest and security system is governed electronically, and there is a state of the art interactive television system to allow passengers to get the most out of their stay by interactively requesting services. The only ships on the ocean that probably tops the QM2 in technology are probably the US Navy ships. Read the Baseline article on how the IT infrastructure was implemented.


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