Buddha Rising

The latest issue of National Geographic magazine carries an article that takes a look at Buddhism around the world. Originally from what is now Nepal, Buddhism was founded by prince Siddhartha Gautama, who sought to ease suffering he saw in the world. He spent a lot of time in meditation that finally resulted in his four noble truths -- and the eightfold path that leads to a life of wisdom. Buddha never intended his philosophy to become a religion -- and today, it's the fifth largest religion in the world -- he taught that each individual should experience things for themselves, and find their own truth. In fact, Buddha encouraged a challenge to authority.

It is fascinating then to look at the current state of Buddhism in the world, and its latest resurgence. From 500 BC to today, the movement has come a long way, and survived many attacks. For a philosophy that espouses non-violence, it didn't really need to rely on conquering and subjugating of populations to grow its ranks. It welcome and embraces people of all cultures and religions -- not requiring you to convert, as it isn't a religion itself.


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