Mother Teresa vs. Bill Gates

Scott Adams asks the question on his blog: "Who is holier – Mother Teresa or Bill Gates?" It's a tongue and cheek question, with Adams just out for a few laughs in his post. (He goes on to ask is Santa Claus fought Jesus, who'd win?)

If we take the first question a little serious for a minute, it does become an interesting one. Not the holy part -- but a little rephrasing, "Who has had a more positive impact on the world – Mother Teresa or Bill Gates?" (I happen to believe that holiness is irrelevant -- irrelevant to living a life and irrelevant to each person's personal relationship with whatever god they believe in.) Mother Teresa dedicated her life to the poor in India, and in the process, gave to many that have nothing. Bill Gates on the other had, has targeted some of his fortunes on eradicating certain diseases, etc. Along the way, they've both influenced others with their positive work.

It's a question that has an answer in time. Today, the answer is Mother Teresa. She lives in the world culture, epitomizing the best of humanity. She has influenced the moral fibre of countless, inspiring to make little changes, give a little, be a humanitarian. We see in Mother Teresa, the best of what we can be. She continues to inspire and lead. Bill Gates on the other hand hasn't had the benefit of time. He's saddled with a multinational conglomerate with capitalist-totalitarian aspirations. I think he can reconcile his humanitarian ideals with his capitalistic aspirations, but thus far he's been sending a mixed message. He's for curing diseases -- but for truly helping the third world, he stops short when there are conflicts of interests with Microsoft. He inspires, but only the brotherhood of the rich. Gates has hardly reached the common folk as an example.

[I got to this after reading Ted Demopoulos' post on the topic.]


  1. Perhaps they are equal as pioneers... Pioneers in the fact that Mother Teresa began the age of the Humanitarian.
    Gates began the Age of the Digital Revolution...
    (for lack of a better word.) (^_^)

    (Oh, and the answer to the fight:
    Santa, of course.. Why? (Jesus doesn't fight ;)
    Happy New Year!


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