The Bone Snatcher (2003)

Ah, what cheap thrills b-movie horror poop can be. The Bone Snatcher is set in some desert somewhere -- filmed in South Africa -- where a monster is accidentally awaken by some diamond prospectors. There are characters, none of them really anything special. They're typical of this fare. There is the girl. There is the nerd. There is the crazy guy who breaks all the rules, acts first and may think later. And there is the superstitious one. They're all going to die so only the nerd and the girl will live to be happy ever after. Of course, that's going to take two hours.

The monster is introduced when it's awaken in the desert and it immediately grabs one of the mine prospectors and strips him of his flesh. Another two quickly follows. Others are sent in to investigate, and in short order, finds two bodies and start hunting the third, believed to be a murderer. In no time, they find the third body, a slinking skeleton covered with a black moving mass that looks like dust. Being simple people and having guns, they shoot, shout and scream. Not in that particular order. Then they run, when the guns prove to be ineffective.

The desert is hot in the day, freezing at night. Trucks break down mysteriously. A monster hunts people. And a magic gizmo seems to beep whenever the monster gets close. The monster is eventually explained by the nerd as being ants, that are governed by a queen that rules the nest. Their original nest is disturbed, so they need bones to to create a body to move around. Don't try to make sense of it. It's silly. But it's a b-movie, what did you expect? If you're into this sort of thing, you'll have fun with it. If you're not, well ... don't bother.


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