Bush is Above the Law

New York Times is carrying an op-ed by James Bamford, a journalist who writes about US intelligence agencies, which argues that Bush is not above the law. On August 17, 2006, Judge Anna Diggs Taylor of the US District Court in Detroit, ruled in a case brought by the ACLU, that Bush had "undisputedly violated" the US constitution, statutory law and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, in authorizing the tapping of phones and email of Americans without warrant. The problem of course, was there was no consequence. Nothing happened. There was no mea culpa from Bush. Justice wasn't served. Justice didn't even do a little jiggle in response. It was all conveniently ignored. As a result, a huge disservice was done to Americans and America. The powers that were in Congress last year, the Republicans, in effect, sanctioned the abuse of America by one of their own by their inaction.

So what does this all mean? Well, Judge Taylor commented that, “there are no hereditary kings in America.” She's wrong however. Bush does see himself as the Emir of America -- and he is above the law.


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