Comet McNaught

Comet McNaught, the brightest comet to fly into the inner solar system in the past forty years is putting on quite the show -- for those who can see it. McNaught, appearing low in the horizon, can be seen in the eastern sky at dawn and the western sky at dusk. It was visible last week to those of us in the northern hemisphere, and this week, has bowed out to be visible to those in the southern hemisphere. During its close encounter with the Sun, McNaught became visible to the naked eye during the day.

McNaught was discovered last year, on August 7, by Robert McNaught. The animation above was taken by the LASCO C3 camera, on board the SOHO space craft currently orbiting the Sun.

Updated: January 19, 2006
  • Comet McNaughtComet McNaughtHere's are some cool photographs of Comet McNaught. The second was taken by Jamie Newman of Papakura, Auckland, New Zealand, yesterday. It's amazing that the comet with such an amazing tail can be seen in daylight, over a city. The first was taken by Gerhard Kupfer of Bopfingen, Baden-Warttemberg, Germany, on January 13th. You can find more images by amateurs on the SpaceWeather's website.


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