Heidi Cullen vs. Quack-Meteorologists

Dr. Heidi Cullen of the Weather Channel has come out with hash criticism of her peers in the weather business, on her blog. Cullen suggested that climate change skeptics who are meteorologists should lose their seal of approval from the American Meteorological Society because they are denouncing a scientific fact -- that the rapid climate change we've been experiencing in recent times, is a direct result of human activities on the planet. Meteorologists are in the powerful position of being in everyone's living rooms on the issue of climate change, and using that position to evangelize a political position is irresponsible. Not surprisingly, there are many who are now willing to lynch Cullen. Just check out her blog.

It's puerile that what was a quiet scientific debate in the past decades, has turned into a public battle in recent times. Scientific progress on issues usually have dispute, as evidence is gathered, analyzed, interpreted and published. The process opens scientific findings to debate, and it isn't until irrefutable evidence is gathered, that the debate settles on some firm conclusion as accepted fact. Even then however, opinions continue to be voiced. That's science for you. In recent times however, science has been caught unawares by political and religious opinions inserted into the debate. Science doesn't have the faculties to deal with politics and religion. Science deals with facts. Politics and religion deal in emotions and dogma. Never should they mix.

What is disconcerting is how the political and religious debate has ensnared science and is misusing it to confuse and mislead the public. It is irresponsible. The result can only be bad for science, as the public loses confidence and trust in the scientific community, at a time when science is very much needed.


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