HD DVD Pirated

HD DVD discs, in a format war with Blu-ray discs, has just taken a hit from the pirates. A copy of the HD DVD version of Serenity, has hit the BitTorrent network -- all 19GBs of it. HD DVD was developed for greater capacity and higher resolution movies, but also to enforce studio control on how content is viewed by their customers. DRM protects the audio and video content of HD DVD discs, and the studios are looking to develop region encoding for dics -- the make it so that discs purchased in North America for instance, won't play on players in Europe. It's all about control. Enter muslix64 and BackupHDDVD, which provides a process to decrypt HD DVD encryption, as long as the decryption keys are available. After muslix64 posted the BackupHDDVD utility on Dec. 26, last year, it only took a few weeks before ways of obtaining HD DVD keys were being revealed. So, it should come as no surprise that someone has ripped an HD DVD movie and made it available via BitTorrent. I don't think it's entirely feasible to download a whopping 19GB -- just to see a movie. In this instance, this is more of a the pirates proving a point. It can be done. Developing better locks isn't going to stop it. Developing a better business model however just might.


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