9/11 Live: The NORAD Tapes

Vanity Fair has a play-by-play, from the NORAD recordings of 9/11. As the first plane slammed into the World Trade Center, NORAD scrambles two jet fighters to New York. By the time they arrive, the second plane had already crashed into the World Trade Center. Due to budget cutbacks, NORAD only had four fighters available to cover about one quarter of the US. Read the transcript and listen to the recordings as confusion reigns at NORAD and the FAA. Surprisingly, there was probably little the fighters could have done had they arrived on time, as only the President could have authorized the fighters to shoot down the civilian aircrafts. What the recordings reveal is that the military was totally unprepared for hijackings that would end in crashes. Nobody anticipated this.


  1. Whoa! The last sentence: "Nobody anticipated this" is just not true. Just because the military wasn't prepared doesn't mean no one knew it was coming. There were people, like FBI agent John O'Neill, who knew; they just weren't listened too. Check out the evidence before making such rash generalizations!


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