Peace Force for Darfur

The UN Security Council is set to vote on 22,500 troop deployment in Darfur, despite the Sudan government's opposition. The government of Sudan has engaged rebel forces in renewed fighting that is killing and displacing civilians, and setting the stage for a humanitarian crisis. With the fight, aid groups have been unable to enter the region to bring much needed supplies. Of course, the Sudanese government has no interest in seeing UN peace keepers enter the region. The African Union forces that are there, continue to have their funding extended every few months, but are mostly ineffective at quelling the fighting. They want to be replaced by a UN force. With no one being able to keep the peace, and no observers in place, the Sudan military is basically enforcing the government's wish perpetuating genocide against the black population. This is about race, religion, oil and money.

Let's hope a UN force can be deployed soon, as the situation there just gets worse everyday. If there's any place the US was needed most, it was a place like Sudan -- and not Iraq.

Updated: September 2, 2006
  • It's gone to hell, again. AP is reporting that Sudan has launched a major offensive against rebels in Darfur, yesterday. The Sudanese government has refused UN peacekeepers, labeling a UN Security Council resolution that called for UN troop deployment as illegal. What more does the world need to take action? Here's a country who's government is trying to wipe out a people ... doesn't this need a few precision bombing runs?


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