The Misuse of Terror

American obsession with the war on terror has simply got to stop. The Republicans are now counting on the fact that people will continue to be scared shitless, that they will vote to keep the party in power -- after all, the Republicans are the only ones that seem capable of doing something about terror. The more they continue however, the more it gets worse for Americans. Americans are the ones being hurt by this war -- not terrorists. Sure, there are homegrown terrorists that are inspired to try and blow things up -- but really, what inspired them? America made Osama. Their over the top retaliation of the 9/11 bombings have legitimized him, just as Israel's recent over the top reaction has legitimized Hezbollah. This war on terror justifies the curbs being placed on the freedoms of Americans; alienates moderate Muslims, the only ones capable of bringing an end to Islamic fanaticism; and distracts Americans from the real problems faced by their nation.

Timothy McVeigh was a homegrown, American terrorist, who killed people. The American government's response? Exactly. No war on terror.


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