
You gotta wonder, just what was going through Senator George Allen's head when he made the insulting racial remark ... in case you're not aware, 20-year-old Shekar Ramanuja Sidarth, was working for Allen's opponent, trailing around the campaigning Allen, filming him. It's a common practice, and Allen has his own cameraman following his opponent, Webb, around. Things got interesting recently, when at a rally, Allen made the following comments in reference to Sidarth:
This fellow here, over here with the yellow shirt, Macaca, or whatever his name is, he's with my opponent. He's following us around everywhere. And it's just great. We're going to places all over Virginia, and he's having it on film, and it's great to have you here, and you show it to your opponent because he's never been there and probably will never come so it's good for him to see what it's like out here in the real world. So welcome, let's give a welcome to Macaca here! Welcome to America, and the real world of Virginia!
Macaca means monkey, and is a racial slur used in reference to immigrants. Ironically, Sidarth is American -- of Indian descent -- and was born in Virginia -- unlike Allen.


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