Ahmadinejad vs. Bush

Forget TV -- get them in the ring -- WWF style, baby! Iran's president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has challenged George Bush to a televised debate on international affairs, so both nations can air their grievances publicly and uncensored. But I say, instead of having to listen to two mad men yell at each other, it would be far more entertaining if we had them both to square off in the ring. It would make much better sense. We could bring Hulk Hogan in to referee so he can lecture them both on the benefits of vitamins.

As preposterous as the suggestion is -- of the debate that is -- let's take it seriously for a minute. The White House has already dismissed such an endeavour -- not that it actually had a chance of happening. Ahmadinejad's suggestion is just testament to bizarre propaganda practices of the Iranian government. If it was to be taken seriously though, it still wouldn't happen, because it would be an acknowledgment by the US that Iran is a peer -- a nation of equal status with the US -- and let's face it -- in the current political climate of the US, there is no other nation that is considered a peer. Respect is only given to a gunslinger nation with a rep equal to the US -- and this regard, there are no peers. In its dealings with Iran, the US speaks through its intermediaries. Further, a debate between Bush and Ahmadinejad would have no winner, and make losers of all of us. Bush would make no sense as usual, as he stumbles over the alien territory that is the English language, and Ahmadinejad, who would be articulate, would just make no sense as flies off on his strange tangents -- the man may not foam at the mouth, but rest assured, he's completely mad.

Updated: August 30, 2006


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