Does IT Matter?

Here's a BusinessWeek review of Nicholas G. Carr's book by the same title. Carr argues that IT is all washed up, and the industry's transformation powers are all gone. He directs businesses to stop looking for new gains from IT, and to instead being followers -- waiting until a new technology has proven itself before adopting it. I find this advice narrow and reflective of the kind of short-term thinking that permeates much of US policies and business thinking. Business that don't strive for long term growth and differentiate from their competitors are doomed to stagnation and decline. This stance from Carr isn't new. In his article in Harvard Business Review [PDF] last year, he made similar comments. Well, if nothing else, his postulating is good for a healthy debate -- if nothing else, it certainly should serve as a kick in the pants to CIOs who want to keep their jobs.


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