Rational Exuberance

Click to order from Amazon.Michael J. Mandel's Rational Exuberance has been excerpted in BusinessWeek. The book makes an argument for technology as a growth driver of the economy and paints an optimistic view for the US' economic future based on its ability to innovate. Technology innovations have continuously driven the US economy to achieve large scale growth -- which Mandel calls "exuberant growth." He's optimistic of the US future. There are numerous innovations on the edge of commercial viability; committment to R&D and education continues to expand in the US and the world (and what's good for the world economy is good for the US economy); and capitalism in the US feeds private capital funding and risk taking, encouraging and fostering innovative technologies that will push the production envelope. Of course, there are those who disagree. Evagelical-economists, funded by the political-self-interested, try to paint doom and gloom to further their own agenda -- how else do you explain the fact that offshoring a few jobs from the US is taking on campaign importance in the latest idiot-race? Policy makers crave stability, but in a world (not to mention countries) where disparities exist, change, especially economic change is the only hope the poor have for equality -- and it sure as hell is better than the revolution that has plagued the Latin American countries to no effect.
What Drives Productivity - BusinessWeek Magazine.


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