Super Size Me

I missed this movie when it played at the Documentary Film Festival -- hopefully it wall make it to the theatres. The film is by filmmaker Morgan Spurlock, who traveled to 20 US cities, conducting interviews regarding America's continued growth. (Thanks Naj, for the link.) Here's the blurb advertising the film:
During the journey, Spurlock also put his own body on the line, living on nothing but McDonald's for an entire month with three simple rules:
  • No options: he could only eat what was available over the counter (water included!)
  • No supersizing unless offered
  • No excuses: he had to eat every item on the menu at least once
  • It all adds up to a fat food bill, harrowing visits to the doctor, and compelling viewing for anyone who's ever wondered if man could live on fast food alone. The film explores the horror of school lunch programs, declining health and physical education classes, food addictions and the extreme measures people take to lose weight and regain their health. Super Size Me is a satirical jab in the stomach, overstuffed with fat and facts about the billion-dollar industry besieged by doctors, lawyers and nutritionists alike. "Would you like fries with that?" will never sound the same!


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