Human Rights

It's hard not to view this with a heavy dose of cynicism -- is it Corporate coddling of the marketplace in order to generate goodwill and sell more running shoes? Or not? Well of course it's to sell more shoes. Reebok is in the business to sell more running shoes, at higher margins, thereby increasing shareholder value. Reebox will even do so at the expensive of women -- see my post regarding the Terry Tate ads from April. So it's quite surprising to find Reebok handing out their "human rights" awards to three young women and a young man from around the world, for their contribution to the fight for women's rights. I believe there are good people within Reebok who takes this seriously, and who are passionate about this -- however, the Terry Tate meets the HR Consultant, is nothing more than disrespectful of women. So when they're honouring International Women's Day, we shouldn't forget that along with their "human rights" awards, Reebok has no problems portraying women as nothing more than office sluts. If you have a problem with this, tell Reebok:, 1-212-935-0210, x225.


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