Who's yuh Daddy?!

Ever come across those co-workers that are "bit like thumb-suckers in knee pants, yearning for pats on the back?" Well, apparently who you are, and who your co-workers are depends a lot on yours and theirs, upbringing. The latest in consulting trend from those who sell miracles to make your team success (etc.) is to use family psychology theories and techniques -- after all, the first organization people ever are a part of, is their family. If you work in an office, you can guess at the amount of time that is wasted on office politics, not to mention the petty bickering, back-stabbing and complaining that goes on. Read a most interesting article from BusiessWeek magazine.
Image from BusinessWeek magazine.


  1. Manually reposted from Reblogger:108416162029877403
    whose your momma?!
    Posted by Garry(www) at 14:42 13/5/2004


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