Bad Subjects

This site is a very interesting read. I could probably spend hours here and keep coming back for more. Bad Subjects bills itself as a place offering 'political education for everyday life.' The editorials are a great read, although they will appeal only to like minded intelligent people and not the dumb-fucks that elected Bush, again. With titles such as: "The Loveless Election: Or, How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love Being Burned Alive at the Stake" and "Four More Years of Blood" -- both lamenting the re-election the Texas-dumb-ass -- you know you're in for fiery words flaming down on the clueless Whitehouse. The site is the online version of the magazine of the same title. The aim is to get the left off their ass and back into political circulation -- this is especially needed in the US, where the right continues to derail progression and seek to culturally close off the US to the world -- bad news for the rest of us, for sure. Can you imagine an America that has closed its doors and ears to world, with all guns pointing out while it peeks out from behind cover in paranoia?


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