Lying is hard work

Wired News is reporting that a study using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has found that the brain works harder when lying instead of telling the truth. The researchers found seven areas of the brain that activated with lying and only four with truth telling.


  1. Manually reposted from Reblogger:110187368807758245
    Don't hurt yourself over this one.
    Posted by Andy(www) at 1:31 13/12/2004

  2. Manually reposted from Reblogger:110187368807758245
    So that means there's scientific proof that it's better to lie, as it exercises seven areas of your brain, as opposed to just four. Not to mention the brain power and problem solving it takes to get yourself out of the mess if you're caught, or stay out of getting caught in the first place!
    Posted by Vanessu at 13:21 2/12/2004


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