Today's Reading

Some reading that I did while ignoring weirdos on the subway today, included a few articles in BusinessWeek magazine, commenting on the state of business at a few of the large technology companies. Here they are:
  • To The Tech Giants Go The Spoils -- while IT spending is predicted to be low this year, the big tech companies are seeing stronger rise in revenues. What gives? Businesses are investing their limited dollars in the trusted giants and are shying away from the small players.
  • Getting Intel Back On The Inside Track -- Intel has seen its once firm grip on the chip industry erode due to a few missteps and the smart moves by rival AMD. How will Intel regain its dominance?
  • Will Solaris 10 Make Sun Shine Again? -- with the new release of Solaris, Sun is hoping it can resurrect itself once again. But is Sun really relevant in a space that's slowly being overtaken by Linux? Sun thinks so. They have the technology, but is the market willing to buy?
  • BEA: A Little Down In The Valley -- like Sun, BEA has great technology. Technology that's probably better than rivals from IBM and Oracle. Yet the company is losing market share, and some blame the technologist CEO, that sees little value in developing a strong Marketing arm.
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