PETA Stinks

PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) stinks! Along with organizations such as the Earth Liberation Front (ELF) and the Animal Liberation Front (ALF), they've brought a new extremism to the western world -- an extremism condemned and often referred to as terrorism -- and just where's Dubya when you need him? PETA recently launched their "Holocaust on Your Plate" campaign -- a display of 60-square-foot panels depicting animals in factory farms and slaughterhouses beside photos from Nazi concentration camps. Yes -- we are cruel to our food -- plants included -- but we eat them. Nazis killed Jews because they were on a campaign to rid the world of a group of people -- and when they were finished, they were going to move on to the Blacks and other 'impure' races. People who eat meat don't eat meat so they can rid the world of animals -- they do so because meat is food. Any logic or semblance of reality seems to be lost on the lunatic fringe of PETA and their supporters however -- who seem hellbent on not only killing and eating vegetables, but making the rest of us do so as well. If they had their way, the lions would lay down with the sheep and starve to death -- or dine on tofu and peanuts. We're a part of nature, part of the grand cycle of life -- and being at the top of the food chain means we have certain responsibilities -- one of which is not to screw the planet anymore than we've already done -- and on this, I agree with PETA's secondary and less important goal -- but another responsibility is to dine on the lower lifeforms -- that's what we do. We have our role of keeping things in balance. Civilization of course has thrown that balance all out of whack -- and in the progress, generated the social aberration -- or mental condition, depending on your perspective -- of vegetarianism.
   In their quest to preach vegetarianism to the world, PETA has pulled out all the stops -- specifically, they employ the highly effective practice of exploiting women to get the attention of mostly men, and in some mutated form of logic, further their cause. Take this image of Dominque Swain, taking it off for PETA -- PETA proudly proclaims the 21-year-old to be the youngest star to pose naked for their anti-fur campaign. She's naked in a classroom setting, writing on a blackboard. Is it just me, or is this suggestive of child pornography? Where else do you find a student writing lines on a blackboard other than in elementary school? Swain, the star of Lolita, is quoted on the site as saying, "Cruelty to animals is wrong. If all I have to do is stand in front of a blackboard naked to make people think about the cruelty that animals go through to make a fur coat, I'm perfectly willing." I'm sorry, but when I see Dominique Swain posing naked in front of a blackboard, I don't read what she's writing -- nor am I thinking about the poor animals suffering. Click for more PETA porn.
   If you've had enough from PETA like I have, check out the anti-PETA site: People Eating Tasty Animals. There are many more like this, but this one generates its fair share of hate mail.


  1. PETA is nothing but a radical new age pagan cult of animal worshippers founded by a bunch of stupid annoying hippy freaks


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