85 Broads

85 Broads is an organization of some very smart and business savvy women. Originally something of an alumni of Goldman Sachs women, the organization expanded to include a broader audience of women. This is all nice and dandy, but they've got my attention because they're about to demonstrate women's purchasing power and its impact on the economy [PPT] -- and hopefully get some recognition that women shoppers do have power. In the US, women buy 2 out of every 3 cars, make 50% of all business trips and control 50% of the personal wealth. Women are also starting new businesses at a faster rate than any other segment of entrepreneurs (and there are more stats). But for all their economic power, women still only hold 15% of all board seats in Fortune 500 companies, and make up only 5% of the top earning corporate officers. The 'We Don't Buy It' campaign is asking women to put away their wallets for one day -- and just demonstrate the economic power women wield. The day is October 19th, and if you're a woman, don't buy anything!


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