Our Kids Are in Big Trouble

I just read Lawrence Lessig's latest Wired Magazine commentary -- 'Our Kids Are in Big Trouble.' I don't need the argument made to me -- I've been convinced for some time now -- we are bankrupting future generations with our 'me first' attitude. Lessig makes a convincing argument for the obvious, however, he directs his wrath on the government -- although he doesn't forget us -- but I think the focus really need to be on us -- every single one of us. If we're not part of the problem, we should at least be part of the solution -- but how many of us are? I for one know that I'm being hypocritical with that statement -- and like most of you out there, I use the same excuse -- what difference can I make? Well, if enough little voices shout together, can you imagine the thunder we would all cause?


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