George David

BusinessWeek has a lengthy introduction to United Technologies (UTC) CEO, George David -- an unknown, in the shadow of such celebrity CEOs as Jack Welch and Lawrence Bossidy. The 62-year-old, is due some recognition, based on his accomplishments. For the last decade at the helm of the $31 billion company, profits have grown steadily, with net income reaching 25% in the first half of this year. Shareholder return has risen to 600% in the last 10-years, compared with the 400% achieved by GE. UTC made these accomplishments while making some unlikely investments for a predominantly manufacturing firm -- under David, they've made long term investments that drain the bottom line with not direct returns. David's philosophy however, is what makes him a standout in the field of CEOs who are driven by short term ROI. He makes no excuses for running a company that will respond to global economic pressures, including firing of hundreds of employees, or getting out of businesses that are no longer fit. Instead, he takes care of employees by giving them the tools to manage in the global economy. UTC spends $60 million a year on an employee education program that funds continuing education in just about anything an employee may have an interest in. When an employee obtains a degree, they're eligible for up to #10,000 in company stocks. Now that would inspire loyalty.


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