Kerry or Bush for Canada?

Does Canada have a preference for the next US president? James Travers of the Toronto Star thinks so, and makes a convincing argument for Kerry -- not that I didn't already share his opinion, being a devout Bush-hater. If Bush wins the election on Tuesday, we can expect a repeat of his first term in office -- where the relationship with Canada is strained, despite our strong economic ties. Squabbles will most likely continue, and Washington will most likely have little interest in resolving them. Bush would most likely continue to treat global issues with the blunt instrument of military diplomacy, while Canada will continue to blunder forward with the decimation our military. With Kerry in power however, it is expected that Canada will be called upon to assist the US in rebuilding Iraq. Cooperation on the economic front would probably benefit from stabilization -- but the price would be hefty. Canada's participation in restoring Iraq will cost lives and require us to have a robust military. Rebuilding our military wouldn't be a bad thing, but it won't be easy, and won't happen fast. Martin would have his chance to deliver on the new order he's been speaking so eloquently about -- it would be put-out or shut-up time.


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