When Evil fights Evil ...

Only the good guys can win. Evil in this case is Wal-Mart -- which I consider an evil organization -- and Evil is also the Record Companies that steal from your wallet while they sue you for your spare change. Seems like Wal-Mart's "everyday low price" mantra is even affecting the music industry. Wal-Mart wishes to sell sub-$10 CDs, but the record companies have always resisted. Last year, Wal-Mart got the record companies to deliver some CDs to their $9.72 program. Wal-Mart liked it. Liked it so much, that they want it for all the CDs they sell. Wal-Mart if now the largest retail peddler of the record companies smut -- selling 1 in 5 of their CDs -- it has clout. Will the record companies concede? Wal-Mart also has a growing online music business ... ah, what sweet entertainment when evil fights evil ...


  1. Manually reposted from Reblogger:109784283828580650

    Your comments on Wal-Mart are valid. Yet, unfortunately, American Society is largely apathetic and is seemingly only concerned about their current needs, and not give thought to long-term ramifications. Wal-Mart is the supplier, and America is the consumer. America can only blame themselves for any adverse effects brought about long-term by shopping at Wal-Mart. Also sad, Sam Walton, when he was alive, prided himself in selling everything made in America.
    Now that he is gone, looks like pride in American made products is gone!
    Posted by Emperor Blog(www) at 13:01 15/10/2004


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