Intelligent Design

"Dumb fucking people!" That's how we would say it in the 'old' country -- and that was my reaction when I read Wired's October issue cover story. Creationists are at it again, and the sheep that is the general populace are following -- sorry, the dumb fucking sheep -- cause they're a special breed you see -- normal sheep know they're being are led -- DF sheep don't know they're being led, and actually think of themselves as intelligent. Hence intelligent design. It's the new fangled banner under which evolution is being attacked by creationists. Get this -- 'evolution can't be right because life is so complex and the evolution process could never have created it in such a short period of time' -- to paraphrase the whacked out morons. So in the court of public opinion, they've taken on a new tact -- they attack evolution on 'scientific grounds' -- until you actually listen to what they're saying and realize that they're saying absolutely nothing. Oh yes, they use big, scientific sounding words -- but they talk in circles and really don't say anything. They don't attack evolution from a science perspective -- that's been going on since Darwin came up with the crazy idea -- and the fact that evolution has survived that level of scrutiny tells you something about the theory -- no, intelligent design -- or as I will now call it -- dumb fucking design -- relies on the general populace having enough doubts so that DF design can be accepted and taught as an alternative. What does DF design want to replace evolution with? Well, some 'higher power' had to have purposely designed life on earth -- they don't question the process of species adaptation as described by evolution, just the idea that evolution may have kicked it all off.


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