Business of Nanotech

BusinessWeek Feb. 14th
The world of the small means loads of money for the world of the large. Everyday it seems, a new product crops up with new promises, thanks to the exploitation of the extraordinary behaviour of matter, at the nanoscale level. What's amazing isn't just that matter behave differently at extremely small scales -- but, the mixing nano-materials with regular matter produces remarkable results -- and, remarkable products coming to a retail shelf near you, soon. This coming ubiquity of nanotech will mean disruption to entire industries. At the nanoscale level, there is no difference between biology, chemistry, physics and electronics. There are well established companies that rule the roost in those science-specific industries. The aggregation of the sciences with nanotech will mean opportunities for startups to grab the torch from the establishment -- and for smart companies, it will mean dominance until the next big thing comes along. Read more at BusinessWeek.


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