
My secret:

Ha! I'm not telling!
To quote Bono: "They say a secret is something you tell one other person; So I’m telling you... child" PostSecret is a blog, a project, and a very interesting idea I wish I had thought of first. The site invites you to send a 4x6 postcard in with a secret you haven't shared with anyone else anonymously. The secrets will be posted on the site. It's a bit voyeuristic to be reading others secrets from the privacy of my computer -- even though it's quite public. Maybe those that are sharing their secrets are voyeurs as well -- or maybe they just want to tell someone, so they're telling the world. Some of the secrets that are shared are quite melancholy, such as:
  • "I haven't spoken to my dad in 10 years ... and it kills me everyday."
  • "I liked myself better as a boy."
  • "I started shooting heroin again."
  • "I wish I was the other twin."
  • "I'm in love with Sam ... but I can't tell him because I am terrified of rejection."
  • And there are more ... there are also some funny ones.


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