MSN Spaces

Microsoft has joined the blogging world. Their MSN Spaces offering has been rolled out and is quickly picking users. It looks neat. Quite colourful, quite flashy, and filled with links to Microsoft's other offerings. The neatest thing of all is at the bottom, where Microsoft claims copyright over the content being produced. Yes, neat! Your blog, but they own it.

Having said that, Microsoft has made it easy for new bloggers. The design and setup is fairly easy and user friendly. They limit you to 10MB of storage, which is really crap compared to the unlimited storage you get with Blogger. MSN Spaces also allows for mobile posting, trackbacks and everything else that has become standard fare with most blogging tools. They even track visitor statistics for you. Overall, it is one convenient package to disseminate your drivel. But I will stick to Blogger and my own domain name -- a feature Microsoft doesn't support -- so forget publishing from MSN Spaces to your own site. It won't work.


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