Wacky Warning Labels

M-LAW is being polite by calling their contest "wacky" -- it's anything but. On the conservative side, it's just plain stupid. If I was being liberal with my judgment, I'd preface "stupid" with a few expletives. Their contest was run to find the most wacky product warning labels -- you know, the kind you hear about in the news because it's trailed by a lawsuit. Here are the ranking stupidity from the eighth annual contest:

  • “Do not use for personal hygiene” -- warning label found on a flushable toilet brush.

  • Runner-Up Winners
  • “This product moves when used” -- warning label found on a scooter for children.
  • “Once used rectally, the thermometer should not be used orally” -- warning label found on a thermometer that can be used to take a person's temperature.
  • “Never remove food or other items from the blades while the product is operating” -- warning label found on a electric hand-held blender.
  • “Do not use this product as a toy, pillow, or flotation device” -- warning label found on a 9"x3" bag of air used as packing material.

  • M-LAW also chronicles other stupidity, such as: Loony Lawsuits; the Whiplash Awards; and past winners of the Wacky Warning Label contest.


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