NAACP's Relevancy

As much as blacks have accomplished in the US -- and this can be extended to the rest of North America and the western nations -- they still have a-ways to go. In the US, their largest minority status has been overtaken by the Hispanics -- and with that, the politics of pandering to minorities have also shifted to the interests of Hispanics. Blacks remain under-represented across the many measures of success as a group. Despite this, the group most identified with representing the interests of blacks (and by extension, minorities) in the US, the NAACP, remains the most widespread voice for blacks in America -- but that status may be something that blacks will also be losing shortly, as the NAACP continues to lose relevancy with black youth. Today, only 14% of the NAACP membership is filled by those 25 years old or younger. The gap between the old guard and the new continues to grow, threatening to render the NAACP to graveyard unless it changes. Is there hope? Maybe -- but it will take leadership.


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