
Stats to make you weep:
  • 100 million trees are used to produce junk mail in the US every year.
  • 4 million tons of junk mail is sent to Americans every year.
  • One day's supply of junk mail could heat 250,000 homes.
  • I love this! If you're like me, you get junk mail in your mailbox in sufficient quantities to carry out this nefarious plan. The plan is to help you deal with the frustration of having to deal with junk mail -- and it's simple -- take the junk mail you get from one business and send it to another via the postage paid envelope included. Just thinking of the surprise at the other end of the envelope is enough entertainment to get me to do this. [The link to Junk-the-Junk was brought to you via the Lobster Messiah.]


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