America's poor and uneducated, continue to vote against their interests

As a Canadian, I cannot understand why there are so many Americans opposed to changing the nature of their health care system -- especially since it is expensive compared to what the rest of the developed world spends, and doesn't deliver the same quality of service to most -- unlike their developed world's counterparts. I can't understand why Americans defend the very insurance companies that gouge them on premiums, deny their claims and cancel policies.

I was having a similar conversation with my youngest recently, regarding unions and their self-interest. She pointed out something that hadn't occurred to me before -- that people in general, do not like it when others make decisions for them. That is the trouble that regulators -- and politicians -- run into on a regular basis. They try to enact legislation to protect their constituents, but regularly run into vehement opposition. It's like the union members that have been given everything they wanted without asking, but resent the fact that management figured they knew what the employees wanted. These are the people who shoot themselves in the foot and prefer the misery they know than the suggestion that someone else may actually have their interest in mind.

What it comes down to, in fairly simple terms -- people -- you're idiots -- and you just don't like it when someone even remotely suggests that you may be an idiot by offering to lend you a helping hand.

in reference to:

"But it is striking that the people who most dislike the whole idea of healthcare reform - the ones who think it is socialist, godless, a step on the road to a police state - are often the ones it seems designed to help. In Texas, where barely two-thirds of the population have full health insurance and over a fifth of all children have no cover at all, opposition to the legislation is currently running at 87%."
- BBC News - Why do people often vote against their own interests? (view on Google Sidewiki)


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