Toronto Women's Bookstore in Danger

It's one of the few feminist bookstores still around, and being an independent bookstore in the era of the conglomerates, it's finding itself in danger financially. Sales just aren't what they used to be. It seems like what has been afflicting feminism -- namely pop culture in the likes of Britney Spears and her ilk -- is being felt by organizations such as the TWB. This is really too bad, as the bookstore has been one of my favourites in Toronto, although since I left university, the travel to it for no good reason, has kept me away. It's too bad because of the selection it carries is ironically, more than just motivated by profit -- altruism for the cause has been the primary motivator. You'll find more independent publishers at the TWB than anywhere else. The TWB is also a haven for outreach to the feminism community (which I'm afraid doesn't include everyone of the female gender) -- running numerous courses on a variety of topics. I'm sure it's a safe place for some topics to be explored unhindered.

It's sad. The TWB is now looking for donations to stay open.

in reference to: Toronto Women's Bookstore (view on Google Sidewiki)


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