Your Sharia raped and murdered a 13-year-old girl

This shit disgusts me, makes me angry and reminds me why we send soldiers to die in Afghanistan -- and why every member of al-Shabab should be castrated -- to start with.

Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow was 13-years-old, and she cried for mercy. This was after she was raped by three men, tried under Sharia law by al-Shabab in Somalia, and had her sentence for adultery handed down. They took her to a football stadium, put her in a hole up to her neck, and with an audience of over 1,000 to watch, 50 men threw stones at her. When she stopped moving, nurses went to check her pulse. She was still alive. So they put her back in the hole, and continued the stoning. She died in that hole back in October 2008.

Fuck your Sharia!

If you're Muslim and I offend you, then fuck you too. You should be offended by the rape and murder of Aisha. It should make your blood boil. Not because your religion was used to justify this atrocity -- but because a little girl was raped and murdered. You should be screaming bloody murder about this shit. You should want to take up arms against these monsters. You should go fundamentalist with your intolerance.

But I don't hear you.

I never hear you.

And when you don't speak out against shit like this, it makes you no better than the monsters that do this in the name of your religion.

She would have been 14 now. Still a little girl.

in reference to:

""After two hours, the Islamic administration in Kismayo brought the lady to the place and when she came out she said: 'What do you want from me?'" "They said: 'We will do what Allah has instructed us'. She said: 'I'm not going, I'm not going. Don't kill me, don't kill me.'"
- BBC NEWS | Africa | Stoning victim 'begged for mercy' (view on Google Sidewiki)


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