Creationists everywhere

They seem to be everywhere these days, and it's friggin' scary. It's scary that at this point in humanity's progress, we're encountering a concerted effort to take us back to the dark days when irrationality was the norm. More and more, irrational minds are making it to institutions of higher education -- which is a failure of our education system. The fact that irrational people are, 1) not being taught how to think rationally; and 2) making it into institutions of high education, is alarming. If they're not learning how to think rationally in school, then they are not being educated -- and if they are making it to post-secondary, then secondary schools are failures -- because these idiots should be failed there, and not allowed to continue any further. There is a bare minimum that is required to be able to continue. Why are they being allowed to squeak by?

in reference to:

"A 21-year-old medical student and member of the Islamic Society, who did not want to be named, said that the Qur'an was clear that man had been created and had not evolved as Darwin suggests. "There is no scientific evidence for it [Darwin's Origin of Species]. It's only a theory. Man is the wonder of God's creation."He did not feel that a belief in evolution was necessary to study medicine although he added that, if writing about it was necessary for passing an exam, he would do so. "We want to become doctors and dentists, we want to pass our exams." He added that God had not created mankind literally in six days. "It's not six earth days," he said, it could refer to several thousands of years but it had been an act of creation and not evolution."
- Academics fight rise of creationism at universities | World news | The Guardian (view on Google Sidewiki)

A perfect example of irrational thought. How can you chose to accept some of your dogma literally, yet ignore the rest? Either the Qur'an, Bible or whatever fairy tale you subscribe to, is accepted literally in its entirety, or you chose to accept it all figuratively.


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