100 Things Now Known

BBC News Magazine runs a weekly feature called, 10 Things We Didn't Know This Time Last Week, that is published weekly. They ended 2005 with a list pulled from the weekly lists to create 100 Things We Didn't Know This Time Last Year. The list is pretty quirky. Some of the things that caught my attention:
  • Mohammed is now in the top 20 names chosen for boys in the UK. Should we be worried?
  • Baboons can tell the difference between English and French. Apparently some French baboons got transferred to an English zoo, and now they can't understand a damn thing.
  • Apparently, 1 in 10 Europeans are conceived in an Ikea bed. I can see the new commericals already.
  • Did you know air comes out of your ears? I didn't. 20-years ago, a Chinese factory worker discovered that fact, and can now blow up baloons and blow out candles with his ear.
  • I didn't know that the length of men's fingers can be indicative of how aggressive they are. The shorter your index finger is to your ring finger, the more aggressive you are.
  • Lance Armstrong's heart is almost a third larger than the average man's. Wow!
  • It takes 75kg of raw materials to make a mobile phone. Maybe we should be stopping this gadget binge we're on. Where does all the old phones go?
  • Spanish Flu that killed 50M people in 1918/9, was known as French Flu in Spain.


  1. The length of a man's ... finger? What else do we women have to use a measuring tape on?
    And as for so many being conceived in an Ikea bed, there's an assumption being made there. Just becuase there's a bed in the household that was purchased at Ikea, it does not necessarily mean that all procreative type activity occurs soley on that bed. Duh.


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