Steve Job's Magic Kingdom

Walt Disney Company has agreed to a purchase of Pixar Animation Studios for $7.4 billion in stock. Steve Jobs, current CEO of Pixar and 50.6% owner, will take a seat on Disney's board, and become its largest shareholder. On top of that, Pixar's executives will move in to take control of the combined Disney and Pixar animation studios.

Not too bad for a guy that's been on the comeback trail for the last 8-10 years or so. Jobs has full tyrannical control of Apple and he's about to get the same with Disney. With Jobs having control of a computing maker and a media giant, it looks like the world is about to change forever. Other technology and media companies better get their butts in gear asap, as Jobs is about merge content and technology in a way never seen in North America before. Want to know how cool things are about to become? Check out what's happening in Asia.

While the products and services possibilities are exciting, the big speculation is of how long Jobs will be able to stay out of Disney's operations. Jobs is a control freak. On Disney's board he will see things that he won't like -- things that he will want to do something about -- but only as Disney's CEO. Will it be a year or less before he's offered full control?


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