Dream Machines

BusinessWeek's latest carries a cover article on the latest innovations coming out of the auto industry. Design certainly seems to be playing a big role as auto manufacturers try to differentiate themselves -- however, is it just me, or does there seem to be a deficiency in the innovation effort targeting energy conservation and effects on the environment?


  1. As a truck driver hauling America's goods between cities, I have an opinion on this matter.
    No one will ever get the nomad spirit out of Americans, that is the way we are, we like to move, do things and visit others.
    But we seem to have this one uppance additude....my Hummers bigger than your hummer.

    We need to use less fuel. That is a given.

    There are people ready to make money with reasonable solutions.
    Bio-Diesel, ethanol and many other alternatives are out there waiting.

    Consider this. Any thing we do to make it more costly to ship our goods, to us, or to others for sale, will cost us dearly. So first and foremost we must not mess with the best transportation system in the world.

    I used to say, "Let 'em buy as big a vehicle as they want"
    But I am more of a realist. One person in a Hummer on a trip, Come on, give me a break Hollywood.

    Hollywood wastes more fuel, flying and driving the egomaniacs around the world, so they can say they care about the envirement. They don't, they care about face time.
    There is step one, and the simple solution to the wastefulness of Hollywood, easy. Quit buying their DVD's, going to movies, or watching TV.

    Then the hypocrits will have no money to fill up their lear jets or Hummers and pollute. Every wonder why Los Angeles is so polluted?

    It's all of the chauffeur driven limos, taking the stars out for breakfast, or to the Oscars, so they can tell the world how much they care.

    This problem of ours will never be solved if we keep listening to the Hollywood EcoPreachers. They want you to ride the bus to work, but don't think for a moment that they will ever step forward to help.

    Sorry I got so long, but this is a subject dear to me. I may be a raging NeoCon, but I love the Earth in real tangable ways, not just giving lip service.

    Your short little article got me to thinking, and this comment is only a small part of my next article.

    Most of want to solve this problem, but first we must look at the problem with an openmind.

  2. Sorry for all the spelling errors, I forgot to run the comment through Word Spell Check.


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