
I just created these panoramas from some pictures I took while out walking with my wife yesterday. We went to a park not far from our home -- to walk in the snow and to take some pictures. Today it rained. Most of the snow is probably gone, or has turned to ice.

The panoramas were created by stitching together photographs I had taken. I didn't put too much thought into the photography. I snapped, turned, snapped. The inspiration came to me from the work my daughter was doing using Photoshop. Me being lazy of course, I had to find the easy way of stitching the images together. I googled the web and found a number of software, including the GNU licensed Panorama Tools, and a not so open front-end, PTGui. PTGui is available on a 30-day free trial for those who want to give it a go. (There is also a GNU license front-end to Panorama Tools, called hugin.)

You can see the results of the stitch by visiting my Webshots gallery. Each stitch took about 45-minutes to process -- I went for the highest resolution, which also required close to 2GB of temp space -- then another 15-minutes for cropping and processing in Corel Photopaint -- for images 10-20MB in size. Total time I spent on this: 4-hours!!!


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