Pope Discovers Sex

In his first encyclical, released today, Poop Benedict the Roman Numerals declared that Christians should love more -- not just the spiritual love bit, but erotic love as well. The poop has problems with the commoditization of sex in society, preferring the days when the Vatican could maintain the world's largest library of pornography. He encourages more bondage and discipline in today's erotic love, in order to provide more than just instant graticifcation -- going so far that one, with a slight leap, could conclude that Benny is after a sexual position being named after him. The encyclical wanders off into a place that will be confusing to most devout Catholics, in addressing spiritual love -- love that encourages us to be charitable to our fellow wo/man.

I don't know about you ... but having a priest talk sex, just sounds a whole lot dirty and scary to me. There are some things that the church should avoid -- like people's bedrooms.


  1. Poop Benny would do the world a whole lot more good if he just quietly retreated to some corner and started growing a cabbage patch.

  2. Religion really needs to just stay the hell out of people's bedrooms.


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