Glass Trap

No matter how awake you are, watching Glass Trap will put you to sleep -- guaranteed! Glass Trap is a cheap, sucky, poo-poo of a film. It's supposed to be scary, but it doesn't even try. The actors seem to forget that they are in a b-movie, so they overact -- and they take their lines really, really seriously. In a b-movie, you're supposed to turn up the cheese. There is no cheese, until cult-actor Martin Kove shows up as the specialist to save the day. He says his lines, and watching his face, you can see he's laughing at how silly they are. Which is what the movie is.

This cheap, straight-to-video crapper is all about ants. Really BIG ants. Radioactive in fact. They accidentally show up at an office building on the weekend, and start working at converting the building to their nest. The effects were pathetic -- the ants looked like a kid designed them. The only bad thing was they weren't allowed to eat everybody who came to work that weekend.

Oh, and there's a couple of lingerie models on a photoshoot on the building's rooftop. Absolutely no reason for them to be there other than it's a b-movie, and you apparently need to have a couple of models running around and screaming. Nether did much of anything, come to think of it. There wasn't even belting out good screams.

Movie sucked. Don't watch it.


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