Reading Oodles

Here are a few news items that kept me awake on my travels yesterday:
  • The race is on between Toyota and GM -- GM, just to stay ahead as the world's largest automaker, and Toyota to take the crown. It's no secret, GM is in deep trouble. Despite reporting increased sales in 2005, reports indicate that they may fall behind Toyota in 2006.
  • If you work in a large business, this time of the year probably has one huge irritant for you at work -- performance reviews. The past practice of measuring and ranking individuals against each other is falling out of favour for a softer approach -- an approach that recognizes and encourages collaboration, risk taking and passion.
  • e-Book readers take 2: Sony, iRex Technologies and Jinke Co. are all racing to release their version of eBook readers for another go at it. You may remember that eBook readers have been out before, but they never took off. This time, manufacturers have better technology and most importantly, content; they're signing up publishers and are hoping to recreate the iPod + iTunes magic. Would you use one though?


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