An Alternative View to the History of WWII

I always enjoy reading Gary Brecher of the Exile. He's quick, to the point, and can take any good position of the moral majority, turn it upside down -- and make sense. Take his position on WWII. The propaganda that we've been fed, says it was a war of the good guys versus the bad -- which is total crap. Brecher points out that Europe had no good guys pre-WWII, because all the leaders there were fascists -- including Churchill. Nobody really cared about the Jews being slaughtered, other than Jews that were perhaps elsewhere in the world, safe. The only reason Britain and Russia turned their guns on Germany was territorial interests. The military campaigns of all sides were idiotic at best, with lives wasted on ill conceived plans and ideas.

After reading Brecher, I couldn't help reflect on the world today. Who are the good guys? Who are the bad guys? In hindsight, we'll tell stories that sort out the mess and make the losers evil and the winners heroes -- and the dead -- well, they'll just be dead.


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